Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund - ESSER 3.0
Grainger County Schools will receive approximately $7.4 million
from the federal government under the American Rescue Plan Elementary
and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER 3.0) Fund. These emergency
relief funds are provided to support schools in addressing learning loss
and improving in-person learning. The documents below is the plan submitted to the Tennessee Department of Education.
- ESSER 3.0 Public Plan for Remaining Funds - Grainger County 2023-09-07 - Spanish Version.pdf
- HealthandSafetyPlanSix-MonthlyAddendum Sept. 23-24 -spanish version.pdf
- HealthandSafetyPlanSix-MonthlyAddendum Sept. 23-24.pdf
- LEA ESSER Spending Plan - Grainger County Updated 10.25.21.pdf
- ESSER Public Plan for Remaining Funds Addendum 2023-24.pdf
- ESSER 3.0 Needs Assessment - Grainger County Updated 10.25.21.pdf
- ESSER Community Engagement Checklist - Grainger County.pdf
- ESSER 3.0 Health Safety Plan- Grainger County Schools UPDATED 10.25.21.pdf