Career and Technical Education
Mr. Chad Tate
CTE Supervisor
(865) 828-5291

MISSION: Preparing today's students for tomorrow's opportunities
VISION: To provide Grainger County students the opportunity to participate in a rigorous and relevant career and technical education program that leads to academic achievement and successful employment in a global economy.
Career and Technical Education helps students develop knowledge and skills that they need for living now and in the future when they face the real world. *I challenge students to take advantage of the opportunities provided through CTE as they prepare for life in a diverse, global society.
High School students only have a few more years of school and they're on their way to making decisions about their future! Like a lighthouse guides a ship through the night, CTE will illuminate paths toward lifelong success. Start planning now!
All students should graduate with a sound foundation of knowledge and skills so that they can enter college or workforce training programs ready to learn and succeed. CTE is training tomorrow's workforce today.
CTE...Driving Student Success
CTE program and course standards and competencies are the teaching roadmap. The destination or goal is to prepare students to meet the demands of postsecondary education and the expectations of employers. Standards and competencies drive the lesson plans, teaching strategies, and assessments in a course. Standards and competencies are aligned to industry-based standards and state core standards. Course standards and competencies are the students' vehicle to success--what they need to know and be able to do. The rubric is the GPS--it tells students where they are on the road to success!
*as CTE Director
Information for Private Schools and Parents
TO: Private Schools, Parents
FROM: Mark Briscoe, Career and Technical Education Director
RE: Career and Technical Education Opportunities
The Grainger County Board of Education offers career and technical education courses to students in 9th through 12th grade.
This memorandum is part of an effort to locate and serve those children. If you have a child currently in 9th through 12th grade attending private or homeschool interested in participating in career and technical education courses or career and technical education professional development opportunities, please contact Mark Briscoe, CTE Director, at:
Grainger County Board of Education
P.O. Box 38
Rutledge, Tennessee 37861